

Best free backup software for Windows

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Download SyncBack Touch backup software

Cross-platform backup and sync software. Remotely access a device's file system for performing backup/restore and sync operations.

Download SyncBackSE

SyncBackSE - backup and restore wizards, copy open or locked files, unicode, FTP, automatic scheduling and more. Ideal for beginners and power users.

Free backup software

Backup and synchronize files and data, copy in either direction, email logs, run programs before and after, schedule automatic backups and much more.


SyncBackPro, the most powerful backup and synchronization utility in its class. Unrivaled cloud support, performance and flexibility. Download SyncBackPro V11.


2023年5月23日 — SyncBack is a simple, easy-to-use file syncing tool that helps you create backup copies of your important documents and keep information updated ...

SyncBack Touch

2024年8月19日 — 快速幫助: - 在您的Android 設備上安裝SyncBack Touch。 - 在Windows PC 上安裝SyncBackSE 或SyncBackPro。 - 創建針對您的SyncBack Touch 設備的配置 ...

SyncBackFree for Windows

2019年4月30日 — This straightforward backup utility makes it a snap to safeguard and synchronize your files, and its freeware price just sweetens the deal.

[正版購買] SyncBackFree 免安裝中文版

SyncBack - 免費檔案備份、同步工具,可以將檔案備份到其他硬碟、資料夾,甚至FTP伺服器上,也可以進行兩個資料夾的同步,支援萬國碼(Unicode),功能相當鉅細靡遺,一點也不 ...

Cobian Backup 10 - 強大好用的備份軟體

Cobian Backup 10 - 強大好用的備份軟體
